It takes more than medicine...


Asking Friends and Relatives to Donate to Hemophilia of Georgia

on January 14, 2013


By Melanie F.

Ethan and grandparentsOver the past several years we have been asked by friends to donate to charities that would benefit their family members or that they were particularly interested in.  We were more than happy to divert some our charitable donations to these charitable organizations.

When our grandson Ethan was diagnosed with hemophilia we re-directed most of our charitable donations to Hemophilia of Georgia but continuing to donate to those charities championed by our friends and other select charities.  We began to think that if we were glad to help with donations to charities championed by our friends that perhaps our friends and relatives might be willing to do the same for our charity of choice.

So we drafted a letter to close friends and relatives, reminding them that our grandson had been diagnosed with hemophilia and asked them to consider a donation to Hemophilia of Georgia.  We explained what a great organization HoG is and described some of the wonderful services provided to those with hemophilia and their families.  We also informed them of some of the very promising research that is ongoing for a possible cure for hemophilia and the monetary support that HoG is giving these research efforts.  Our letter also provided the HoG website so our friends and relatives could learn more about hemophilia, the services provided by HoG, and how to make a donation if they chose to.

We are happy to say that the response has been very, very positive.  We are extremely grateful to all who agreed to donate and pleased that we could play a part in bringing more donations to HoG.  We believe that as people think about where to make donations to the thousands of worthwhile causes, they would prefer to donate to those organizations/causes that will benefit someone they know or the loved one of someone they know.