It takes more than medicine...


Dear HoG: Holiday Help

Published October 22, 2009


Horizons in Hemophilia, October 2009 

Dear HoG: Now that it’s fall, I’m thinking about the holidays and how we are going to be able to afford toys for the kids. My husband and I have had our hours cut at work. Do you know where we can get some help?
 --Worried Mom

Dear Worried Mom: You are wise to be asking for referrals now because organizations such as Toys for Tots, sponsored by the U.S. Marines, might be stretched extra thin this holiday season. The website for Toys for Tots is Once you are on that site, you will be asked to put in a city and state. This will lead to you to the correct phone number for your area. The organization serves Georgia but is based in Virginia. If you want to call, the number is (703) 640-9433.

Another good resource is your county’s Department of Family and Children’s Services office. Your HoG social worker can help you find that number if you do not already have it. In addition, your social worker can help you find other resources in the community, so please call soon if you think you might need help for the holidays. As always, United Way can give you resources based on your zip code. Depending on where you live, there are different United Way phone numbers, so please feel free to ask your social worker for this number, too. In metropolitan Atlanta, you can seek United Way’s support by going to It will guide you on how to put in your zip code for a list of helping organizations in your area. If you are calling them from a landline, you can simply call 2-1-1, or you can call 404-614-1000.

And remember, quality time with your family is priceless and the most meaningful gift of all!