It takes more than medicine...


Dear HoG: Matching Gifts

Published February 11, 2011


Horizons in Hemophilia, February 2011

Dear HoG:
I’ve recently learned from a friend that his company deducts money from his paycheck each month and sends donations to his favorite charity.  How can I set this up at my place of employment so we can support Hemophilia of Georgia?
--Working for a Living

Dear Working for a Living:
Your employer may offer a “matching gifts” program in which you can designate a certain amount of money to be deducted from your paycheck and then your employer may “match” your designated contribution amount.  Many companies will match dollar for dollar.  Since the deduction is taken out of your paycheck you may not miss the money as much.  Check with your Human Resources Department or your payroll office to set up a matching gift donation through your company.  Thanks for your support of Hemophilia of Georgia!