It takes more than medicine...


Mighty Sticker Club Welcomes Newest Member

Published November 14, 2013


By Mary Ann Tyler, RN, Outreach Nurse

Ashby M. is the newest member of the Mighty Sticker Club.  He was inducted October 9, and demonstrated correctly the steps necessary to become a member.  Ashby is an honor student at Mundy’s Mill High School and plans to pursue a college degree after high school and major in science.  He wants to be a part of the healthcare world and serve others through medicine.

Ashby attends Camp Wannaklot as often as possible.  It is at Camp Wannaklot that Ashby learned the necessary skills needed to learn self-infusion.  He was given the Butterfly Award at camp the first year he attended, when he stuck himself without assistance. Through the years at Camp, Ashby perfected the ability to give his own infusions and chart them on a treatment calendar.  He has been an encouragement to the younger campers learning to infuse for the first time.  Ashby is a great role model and hopes to become a counselor in the future at Camp Wannaklot.

Congratulations to Ashby from the staff at Hemophilia of Georgia!