It takes more than medicine...


Protocols for the Treatment of Hemophilia and von Willebrand Disease


Physican Protocols revised February 2018Hemophilia of Georgia publishes Protocols for the Treatment of Hemophilia and von Willebrand Disease for physicians and other medical providers.

The Hemophilia of Georgia Protocols for the Treatment of Hemophilia and von Willebrand Disease publication covers the following topics:


I. Hemophilia and its Diagnosis

II. Treatment for Bleeding Episodes
        A. Basic Principles of Treatment
        B. Treatment of Hemophilia A
        C. Treatment of Hemophilia B
        D. Specific Hemorrhages
        E. von Willebrand Disease

III. Other Management Issues

IV. Complications of Hemophilia

Chart: Desired Factor Levels and Dosage
Appendix: Common Preparations Containing Aspirin

Download the 2021 edition of Protocols for the Treatment of Hemophilia and von Willebrand Disease.