It takes more than medicine...


It’s a Wrap!

Published November 11, 2011


Horizons in Hemophilia, November 2011

By Mary Ann Tyler, RN, HoG Outreach Nursemovie clapboard

A misstep can leave you with a twisted ankle or even worse. This type of injury can mean a long recovery, but thanks to AquaWrap, your recovery can be quicker. Now that’s good news!

AquaWrap is a unique cooling compression wrap that can play a significant role in the treatment of hemophilia.  AquaWrap is an excellent and easy to use first aid product that has many benefits over ice in the treatment of injuries.  It is self-adhesive, reusable, can be applied continuously, and provides uninterrupted moist cooling.  AquaWrap can also be used directly from its storage container and does not require refrigeration until it is opened and used. This makes AquaWrap very economical!

AquaWrap improves on traditional injury treatments that require R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). Because of its unique composition, AquaWrap can be placed directly on the skin. The wrap provides a long-lasting cooling effect through a continuous evaporation process. The wrap cools for six hours after which it can be re-rolled and placed back into its storage container.

This past summer at Camp Wannaklot, the medical staff had an ample supply of AquaWrap available for possible camper injuries and it was a big hit with the medical staff and campers alike. Having AquaWrap at camp gave the medical staff a great teaching opportunity to explain to campers the importance of immediately putting R.I.C.E into place after an injury. The nurses instructed the campers on how to use AquaWrap.  First, the desired length of AquaWrap was cut and firmly applied directly to the injured area. Second, pressure was applied for 15 seconds to secure the AquaWrap in place. Since AquaWrap works by evaporation, the campers were encouraged to return to the medical lodge after wearing the wrap for two hours. Staff then showed campers how to rehydrate, re-roll, and store the wrap back in its container in the refrigerator. The campers took their AquaWrap home when camp ended.

The HoG and Beacon pharmacies can provide AquaWrap to our clients. Packages are available in small and large wraps and can be sent out to clients’ homes with their factor orders. We always want our clients to take care of joint bleeds by wrapping the injury immediately. AquaWrap is a great solution. IT’S A WRAP!