It takes more than medicine...


Hemophilia of Georgia’s Pharmacies Re-Accredited by ACHC

Published October 11, 2012


Horizons in Hemophilia, October 2012ACHC

By Karen Daniel, Marketing and Communications Director

The Hemophilia of Georgia pharmacy and Beacon Pharmacy proudly announce their award of 
re-accreditation status by the Accreditation Commission for Health Care, Inc. (ACHC).  Achieving ACHC accreditation demonstrates the pharmacies' commitment to meeting high standards of care.

ACHC, a private, not-for-profit corporation which is certified to ISO 9001:2008 standards, is the only national health care accrediting organization started at the grass-roots level by a few home care providers in order to create a viable option of accreditation sensitive to the needs of small providers.

Accreditation is a voluntary activity where health care organizations submit to peer review of their internal policies, processes and patient care delivery against national standards. By attaining accreditation, the Hemophilia of Georgia pharmacy has demonstrated its commitment to maintain a higher level of competency and strive for excellence in its products, services and customer satisfaction.

The Hemophilia of Georgia pharmacy and Beacon Pharmacy provide convenient home delivery of clotting factor and other medications to treat hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease, and other inherited bleeding disorders. The specially trained pharmacy staff works hand-in-hand with the Hemophilia Treatment Centers and the HoG outreach nurses to coordinate clients’ treatment plans.