It takes more than medicine...


Board Member Spotlight: Meet Amy Greene

Published September 11, 2014


By Millie Rondon, Office Manager

Let me introduce you to one of our most recent Board Members, Amy Greene!  In case you’re wondering how HoG locates prospective Board Members, the answer, more often than not, is by the recommendation of a current or former HoG Board Member or staff member. In Amy’s case, it was the latter. You see, Amy is not only a busy business woman, but also the mother of a toddler with hemophilia.

Serving on HoG’s Board of Directors requires a definite level of commitment.  At a minimum, Board Members are required to attend four meetings annually and one two-day Board Retreat. The subjects discussed at these meetings include client care and treatment, client satisfaction with our programs and services, review and approval of the agency’s budget, a discussion with and review of the agency’s audit report as conducted by an outside firm, etc., etc., etc.

After reading the above, you may be asking yourself why and how it is that Amy is able to donate time out of her already busy schedule to attend the various meetings and impromptu conference calls required by her volunteer service to HoG’s Board. I asked Amy that very same question, but before you read her response (which follows), I want you to know that I personally can attest to her being present and accounted for since “signing up for duty.”

Amy’s answer: “I was thinking about your question about why I would join the Board with my other commitments. It was an honor that I couldn't turn down.  HoG has been a part of my family's life for years and when I found out that my son was going to have severe hemophilia, my first phone call was to HoG.  I was immediately put at ease as several people talked to me about the outreach programs that would essentially help hold my hand as I continued to learn more about needles and colors of bruises than I had never thought to look at before! I became a part of the service side to HoG and the more involved I've become the more impressed I am with the organization itself and also the community that they help. This organization makes my life so much easier….my husband and I can go on vacation and give our little one over to our parents for a week of fun, knowing that they are armed with our outreach nurse's cell phone for questions and that she will come by for treatments every other day.  What other parent can have four nurse cell phone numbers to call for any questions at any time! So that is the long of it. I'm very thankful for what y'all do, so if I can give back in return I'm thrilled.”

Amy is the Vice President of Brown & Company Jewelers in Roswell. She majored in Spanish Studies at the University of Georgia, is a Graduate Gemologist, and also earned her Masters of Business Administration from  UGA. Amy grew up in a large family. Her brother has severe hemophilia A. She and her husband have one son with hemophilia A. According to Amy, her most recent accomplishment was conquering home infusion!