It takes more than medicine...


Want to see politics first-hand? Become a page for a day.

Published January 16, 2015


By Michelle Putnam, Associate Director of Research & Advocacy

When the Georgia General Assembly kicked off its 2015 session on January 12, Representatives and Senators will spend a few hours a day in formal session in the House and Senate chambers. And while they are working in those chambers, only a select group of people has access to them. Who is this select group? Lobbyists? Nope. Constituents? Nope. Staff? Nope.  Student pages? Yes!

The Page Program at the Georgia General Assembly gives students an opportunity to be a part of the legislative process. This select group is responsible for delivering messages to Representatives and Senators while they are in the House and Senate chambers. Lobbyists, legislators, constituents, and staff rely on pages to communicate while the House and Senate are in formal session.

Both the House of Representatives and the Senate operate a Page Program. The legislative session began on January 12, 2015, and must last for forty days (however, these do not have to be consecutive days). Students who are 12 years and older and who are interested in being a page for a day can list priority dates on his/her application, and the page coordinator will try to schedule a day that fits with your schedule. Each page will attend a 30-minute orientation the day of his/her shift and lunch will be provided. Students serving as pages will be presented with a certificate signed by Governor Deal and will be excused from school for the day.

In addition to the general excitement of being a page for a day, there are also some very practical advantages of participating in the program. One, the page gets a chance to meet and interact with his/ her legislator. Second, being a page looks great on a resume or a scholarship application.

If you’d like to find out more about the Page Program, visit both the House Page Program and the Senate Page Program. If you have any questions about applying, please call Michelle Putnam at the HoG office or send her an email at