It takes more than medicine...


Volunteer Spotlight: Camp Wannaklot Counselor Glenn Jefferson

Published July 8, 2015


Horizons in Hemophilia, July 2015

By Kelli White, Special Events/Volunteer Coordinator

It is hard to believe that another year of Camp Wannaklot has come to a close! We would like to thank and recognize the volunteers who help make camp such a successful event each and every year.

Volunteers begin assisting HoG staff in preparing for Camp Wannaklot many months in advance of the event and over 50 volunteers dedicate 100 hours of their summer to serve as Camp counselors. Without their time, commitment and dedication, Camp Wannaklot would not be possible.

We would like to take this opportunity to recognize one of our longtime Camp counselors, Glenn Jefferson, and highlight his continued service to HoG! We recently chatted with Glenn to find out more about his involvement with HoG and what makes camp special to him. In the cabin photo below Glenn is standing on the far right.

HoG: How long have you been volunteering with Camp Wannaklot?

Glenn: I have volunteered with Camp Wannaklot for seven years.

HoG: Do you volunteer with any other organizations?​

Glenn: I volunteer with Special Olympics Georgia and the March of Dimes. I am also a mentor for the DeKalb County School System.

HoG: You have been donating your time to HoG for many years now. What motivated you to become a volunteer with HoG and, in particular, camp?

Glenn: I was volunteering with Special Olympics, so I was somewhat familiar with Camp Twin Lakes. When my youngest son was being tested for possible hemophilia I got a chance to meet several of the HoG Nurses and staff. I was so impressed with their level of care to the young patients; I knew I wanted to be a part of HoG. I talked to several nurses on that day and they recommended that I speak with Kim Williams about becoming a volunteer counselor at Camp Wannaklot.

HoG: There are many fun things to do at camp. What is your favorite activity or portion of the week?

Glenn: I pretty much enjoy everything about camp, but for me what truly stands out is the evening meal. The kids are interacting with each other and sharing what happened throughout the day and I also enjoy the down time in the cabin before lights out. As a counselor, this allows you to really get to know the camper and for the camper to get to know the counselor.

HoG: What has been the most rewarding part of volunteering with Camp Wannaklot?

Glenn: I enjoy seeing the kids as they grow and mature from year to year. Seeing them grow from awkward camper to a LIT (Leader in Training) to counselor.

Thank you Glenn, for your commitment to Camp Wannaklot! We appreciate all the volunteers, nurses, doctors and staff who help to make camp a memorable week for our campers and counselors! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Camp Wannaklot or Family Camp contact Kim Williams at