It takes more than medicine...


HoG Volunteer Year in Review

Published February 4, 2016


By Lorraine Scollan, Development Coordinator

Each year, Hemophilia of Georgia relies on our dedicated volunteers to support our programs and events. Volunteers are an essential part of our success and we enlist their help at Camp Wannaklot, Trot to Clot Walks & Runs, the Hit ’Em for Hemophilia Golf Tournament, Family Camp, and general office projects throughout the year.

This year, a number of new volunteers joined the many familiar faces returning to assist us.  What you might find surprising is that some of these familiar faces have been volunteering with us for more than 30 years! So if this year you were a longtime volunteer or a new one, please accept our heartfelt thanks for your support – we couldn’t have done it without you!  And if you’re considering volunteering, please know that we’ve always got room for more!

Trot to Clot Walk & Run

In 2015, HoG held two walk and run events; one in Stone Mountain and one in Augusta. Our dedicated volunteers not only helped with everything from registration to cheering our racers on at the finish line but many withstood the rain storms at Stone Mountain in order to provide a welcoming and safe atmosphere for all of our runners and walkers. With the growth in the size of these events, also comes the need for additional volunteers to support them.  Won’t you please consider joining us this year?  You’ll be glad you did!  

Camp Wannaklot

Camp Wannaklot celebrated 22 years of serving children who have hemophilia or other inherited bleeding disorders, and our group of volunteers continued to grow.  Many dedicated volunteers gave a full week (that’s over 100 hours each) to support Camp Wannaklot. This very special week is made possible by our volunteers, medical staff and HoG staff that commit to making a difference in the lives of our campers.

Hit ’Em for Hemophilia Golf Tournament

The 33rd Annual Hit ’Em for Hemophilia Golf Tournament was once again a big success.  We had a number of new volunteers at October’s event and one even drove from Birmingham, Alabama to help out! Our Golf Planning Committee helped us organize a wonderful outing and everyone contributed time and energy to ensure the success of the tournament.  We had more than 40 volunteers who braved the cold, rain and wind to make this event so great. We appreciate our team of volunteers and their continued dedication to making this event a highlight on the HoG calendar.

We are looking forward to our 2016 events and to continuing to work with all of YOU who help us fulfill our mission at HoG. There are a number of volunteer opportunities coming up soon, so be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media.  Thank you for all of your kindness and service to the community.  There are many quotations about volunteers and their dedication to a cause but this one by educator Johnetta B. Cole describes our volunteers:

"The ultimate expression of generosity is not in giving of what you have, but in giving of who you are."

Thank you to all of our 2015 volunteers and for bringing "who you are" to HoG.