It takes more than medicine...


Dear HoG: Online Resources

Published May 9, 2008


Horizons in Hemophilia, Fall 2007


Dear HoG:

Help! I'm new to the bleeding disorders community and I want to learn all I can. Are there any online resources that can help me? I'm interested in the latest research and advocacy efforts and where to go for treatment if we need assistance while we're traveling. It would be great if I could find everything I need to know on one website, but I also want to make sure the information I get online is accurate.


Dear Bewildered:

Yes, there is a lot of information on the Internet and it can be overwhelming. The easiest way to get what you need quickly is to start on Hemophilia of Georgia's website at Here you can learn about local programs and services that are available to help you. You can also read about the research supported by HoG and our fundraising efforts that make that research possible. Plus, you can view a complete listing of Hemophilia Treatment Centers in Georgia and the Southeast. And, you'll learn about HoG's advocacy efforts in Georgia and at the national level.

From the links page on you can jump to trusted national and international sites for additional information. For example, the World Federation of Hemophilia site,, includes a listing of 900 HTCs around the world. You can search the listing free online or buy a printed version for $20. On the National Hemophilia Foundation site,, you can read about the latest research or download a catalog of free informational materials. Like the HoG site, both the NHF and the WFH sites include information about bleeding disorders and their treatment. Good luck in your search. And, don't forget, the HoG staff is here to help you. Just give us a call if you can't find what you need.