It takes more than medicine...


Factor In Winter Weather

Published December 9, 2014


By Leigh Carpenter, RPh, Director of Pharmacy

The HoG pharmacies use Federal Express and UPS to deliver pharmacy orders.  Bad weather in other states can cause delivery delays. The FedEx hub is in Memphis, TN and all packages are routed through there.  Avoid weather-related delays and other delivery problems by ordering factor when you are down to three doses. You can use the Reminder Program so you won’t be without factor when you need it. In bad weather, deliveries can arrive as late as 8:30 p.m. due to traffic and plane delays. Please call us right away if your order doesn’t arrive when you expect it.

Being prepared for medical emergencies is very important for people who have bleeding disorders. If it has been awhile since your Emergency Action Plan was updated, please contact your HoG Outreach Nurse. Although winters in Georgia are usually mild, the occasional ice storm can cause a great deal of disruption. Last January, metro Atlanta was nearly shut down for days because of snow and ice.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website has many helpful tips for preparing for winter weather emergencies. For more tips on being prepared for weather emergencies and natural disasters, please visit or call 1-800-BE-READY.