It takes more than medicine...


Client Resources


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We are here to help.

Hemophilia of Georgia (HoG) helps people who have bleeding disorders. These include hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease, and other bleeding disorders. We can help your family learn more about living with a bleeding disorder.

Quality Care

HoG works with the Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs) in Georgia. Watch a video that explains how HoG partners with the HTCs in Georgia to coordinate care for people with bleeding disorders.


HoG has two pharmacies. The HoG Pharmacy and Beacon Pharmacy sell clotting factor medication and related supplies. When you order your medicine from us, you support important programs in Georgia. Sign up for online ordering today. Go to My Hog Login on our home page.

Our Programs and Services

HoG nurses and social workers will contact you soon. You can learn more about our programs and services on our website. Please call the HoG office if you want to talk to a nurse or social worker right away. The telephone numbers are 1-800-866-4366 or 770-518-8272. We look forward to serving you.


You and your family will be invited to many events and will have the chance to meet other people with bleeding disorders. Families can teach and support each other. We offer educational programs and activities to bring people together. 

Educational Resources

Learn more about Hemophilia of Georgia in our general brochure: To view, download the brochure in English or Spanish.

HoG General Brochure, Spanish Cover-2022-150px

Learn more about our pharmacy services:                             








The Hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease & Platelet Disorders Handbook

The Hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease, and Platelet Disorder Handbook Digital RepresentationOur handbook is a comprehensive guide to living with a bleeding disorder. We believe that by understanding all aspects of bleeding disorders, you can be active in your own care.






Bleeding Disorders Fact Sheets

We have developed fact sheets for all of the bleeding disorders we work with at HoG. These fact sheets can be used with schools, day care centers, and others to inform staff on signs and symptoms to watch for, as well as how to respond if your child has a bleed. The two primary disorders we serve are hemophilia and von Willebrand Disease (VWD). Click the image below to download either fact sheet.

Hemophilia Fact Sheet-2021-Thumbnail-150px  von Willebrand Disease-Fact Sheet-2021-Thumbnail-150px

We also serve a number of other bleeding disorders. Below you can download fact sheets in both English and Spanish for:


von Willebrand Disease
Bernard Soulier Syndrome
Factor II Deficiency
Factor V Deficiency
Factor VII Deficiency
Factor X Deficiency
Factor XI Deficiency
Factor XIII Deficiency
Fibrinogen Disorder
Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia
Platelet Storage Pool Disorders


von Willebrand Disease
Bernard Soulier Syndrome
Factor II Deficiency
Factor V Deficiency
Factor VII Deficiency
Factor X Deficiency
Factor XI Deficiency
Factor XIII Deficiency
Fibrinogen Disorder
Glanzmann's Thrombasthenia
Platelet Storage Pool Disorders

We also have a fact sheet specifically for Hemlibra treatment for hemophilia (English) and Hemlibra treatment for hemophilia (Spanish).

For Girls with Bleeding Disorders: What to Expect During Your First Gynecological Exam

HoG-GynecologicalBrochure-CoverImage-100px-RedBorderCreated in collaboration with the Foundation for Women & Girls, this publication is an excellent resource for girls with bleeding disorders and describes what to expect during a first gynecological exam. The brochure is available in two languages: English and Spanish.



For Women and Girls with Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

In collaboration with the Foundation for Women & Girls with Blood Disorders, the following resources have been developed for women and girls with heavy menstrual bleeding. These resources provide an overview of the menstrual cycle, description of signs/symptoms and treatment options of heavy menstrual bleeding and iron deficiency anemia, and options to absorb menstrual bleeding. The resources are available in English and Spanish.


About Your Period
Period FAQs
What Is Heavy Menstrual Bleeding?
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Menstrual Product Options

Video: Your Period


Sobre tu periodo
Periodo  Preguntas Frecuentes
¿Qué es el sangrado menstrual abundante?
La Anemia Por Deficiencia de Hierro
Opciones de Productos Menstruales


The Child with a Bleeding Disorder: First Aid for School Personnel

First Aid for School PersonnelA publication aimed at school nurses and teachers who have a student with a bleeding disorder. Descriptions of typical injuries and other incidences when bleeding occurs are discussed with proper steps that need to be followed, as well as standard precautions and medications.




Playing it Safe: Bleeding Disorders, Sports and Exercises

Playing It SafeThis comprehensive educational booklet describes the importance of physical activity for joint health and overall wellness in people living with bleeding disorders. It provides an overview of various sports and activities for all stages of life and addresses how to participate in physical activity safely.





NosebleedsCreated in Collaboration with the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation's Nursing Working Group and nurses from Canada, this publication describes the unique issues a person with a bleeding disorder faces with a nosebleed. Causes of nosebleeds, basic treatment, when to consult the bleeding disorder treatment center, and prevention issues are discussed.




Mental Health

Mental Health-100px-2022This list is for individuals and families affected by bleeding disorders who are in mental health crisis. Individuals experiencing a life-threatening situation or having thoughts of self-harm or harming others should seek immediate assistance.





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