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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237


Managing Pain


man in painMany people with Hemophilia have pain caused by the complications of Hemophilia. The pain may happen only every once in a while, like the pain caused by a bleed. On the other hand, the pain may be all the time, such as pain from arthritis. Having dental work or surgery can cause pain, too.

Your comprehensive care team at the HTC can help you find ways to deal with the pain. For instance, the physical therapist can advise you when to use ice or splints. They can also help you plan exercise routines for pain relief. The orthopedist (joint doctor) can tell you if surgery will help. Your hemophilia doctor can work with you to find the most helpful medicines to take. Letting them know which methods you prefer can help them plan your treatment. They may be able to suggest ways you did not know about to ease the pain.

There is interest in alternative ways to control pain. Relaxation skills, hypnosis, and biofeedback are some of the methods to reduce the need for pain medicine. These methods do not take the place of medical care. They are a way to manage pain, not a way to avoid taking factor. Alternative methods of pain control have not been shown to change factor levels or bleeding times.

If you wish to learn a complementary or alternative way to control pain, your HTC can refer you to someone trained to teach you. Be sure that anyone who teaches you pain control methods understands Hemophilia. You may find that none of the methods work for you, or that what worked one time may not work another time. Some of the methods take a lot of practice. Some of them are easier for children than adults.

The American Chronic Pain Association (ACPA) is a non-profit organization that helps people suffering with chronic pain through education and support groups. They offer training in skills to deal with pain. To learn more, visit their website,

If you decide to use acupuncture, acupressure, or visit a chiropractor, talk to your doctor first. Involving the staff at your HTC in all parts of your Hemophilia treatment is the way to make sure you get the best care and avoid problems.

You may not be able to relieve all pain without taking medicine. If you do need medicine to control pain, learn which medicines are safe to use and how to use them. There are different types for different kinds of pain. Find what works for you by trying new and different therapies and combinations of pain control to maximize function and activities of daily living. First, talk to your doctor and find out what is causing the pain. Next, focus on how you can reduce it to the point where you can get on with daily living.

Here are some questions you might ask yourself as you begin to deal with pain:

  1. What might be causing the pain?
  2. Does the pain slowly go away after taking factor?
  3. Are there any other symptoms?
  4. Does the pain come back often in the same place?  (If yes, ask your doctor about the possibility of arthritis. You may need to take anti-inflammatory medicine. Discuss with your doctor whether or not you need preventive (prophylactic) factor treatment.)
  5. Am I already taking pain medicine?
  6. Does the medicine relieve my pain?
  7. Have I had to start taking more pain medicine? (If yes, talk with your doctor about your symptoms.  You may be building up a tolerance to the medicine.)
  8. Can I do something else to relieve my pain?