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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237

tom may 24

The Benefits of Lifelong Care from HoG

By Stephanie Rehberg, Communications Coordinator

Published April 28, 2024


Tom W. has been a lifelong patient of Hemophilia of Georgia (HoG). When he was an infant, he was in his mother’s arms when they were in a car crash and ended up with a large knot on his head from the impact. His doctor wisely suggested testing for hemophilia since he had a known family history of it. He was diagnosed with mild hemophilia and has been an HoG patient for as long as he can remember. Tom was taught by HoG nurses how to self-infuse at an early-age and was able to have a mostly normal childhood in Madison, GA, filled with baseball and football, thanks to prophylactic care. Whether he faced sports injuries such as fracturing his hip and ankle or needed to prep for surgeries, HoG was there to help. For most people, having hernia surgery or your wisdom teeth taken out is considered a minor and routine surgery without major risks. For Tom, that meant a week to ten days of preparing with prophylactic treatment to prevent excessive bleeding and follow-up visits from his nurses to make sure he was healing properly.  

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Tom is also a Hemophilia of Georgia Pharmacy patient and said, “One of the ways HoG is most helpful is always ensuring I get my medicine on time, even when there are hold ups with insurance or I forget to call to place a factor order.” HoG even has a pharmacy reminder program where patients can sign up to receive email reminders to place a pharmacy order. Tom takes his medicine prophylactically to prevent any type of severe bleeds or emergencies. He said, “It’s important to get your medicine on time and stay on schedule so your body stays at the ideal clotting level.”

In his thirties he began volunteering with HoG as a camp counselor at Camp Wannaklot, the only camp in Georgia that provides children who have hemophilia or other bleeding disorders the opportunity to enjoy a traditional camp experience. Campers make new friends, learn about their bleeding disorders, and share new experiences. Tom wanted to give back and make sure every camper he supervised had a fun and safe experience whether they were swimming, playing basketball, or riding bikes together.

Tom has also attended client events throughout the state including retreats for adult clients and family outings such as our holiday Calloway Gardens event. Tom enjoyed meeting people going through similar experiences and trading stories. He also attends HoG’s fundraisers, including Hops for Hemophilia, a brewery event that benefits research for a cure for hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. “Hemophilia of Georgia will bend over backwards to help clients out. I’ve had nothing but great experiences with HoG. I live close to major hospitals and a Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC), but I try anything I can to make life easier for those who do not have the same access to care because they need the same treatments. HoG provides a great service to those with bleeding disorders throughout the state.” HoG recognizes that some patients struggle with their HTC appointments due to their individual life circumstances (for example: jobs, health issues, travel, children, parents, and cost). As a result, HoG started a telehealth program in 2021 to ensure equal access to care to all clients in Georgia.

Tom’s advice to people with a bleeding disorder is “It’s important to stay on top of your treatments so you can stay active and healthy. If I had taken care of myself better when I was younger, I believe I would have less pain in my joints.”