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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237

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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237


Bleeds in the Muscles of the Pelvis (Iliopsoas Bleeds)


People with Hemophilia and other severe bleeding disorders can bleed in the muscles that run inside the pelvis (along the inner side of the hip bones). These muscles (called the iliopsoas muscles) control movement of the upper thigh. Bleeding here can be due to an injury or, in severe Hemophilia, for no clear reason (a "spontaneous" bleed). Bleeds in the muscles of the pelvis can be very serious.

Signs that you may be bleeding in your pelvis muscles:

  • You get hit in the hip, groin, stomach area, buttocks, or lower back.
  • You have pain in the hip, groin, stomach area, buttocks, or lower back.
  • It hurts when you walk or straighten out your leg.

How to treat a bleed in your pelvis muscles:

  • Take enough factor to raise your level to 80% to 100% for hemophilia A or 60% to 80% for hemophilia B. Call your doctor.
  • Get checked out by your hemophilia doctor and bone and joint doctor (orthopedist).
  • Take factor to keep the level high in your body for as long as your doctor tells you.

Remember these things too:

  • You may need to stay in bed and have physical therapy after you have a bleed in your pelvis muscles.
  • You can lose a serious amount of blood and permanently damage your nerves if you don't treat a bleed in these muscles.
  • Blood coming from your pelvis muscles can build up in your stomach area (abdomen).  The pressure can close off your bowels (intestines).
  • The pain from a pelvis muscle bleed on the right side can be mistaken for appendicitis or other illnesses.  You don't want to have surgery for these illnesses if you don't have them.  Always check with a doctor who specializes in hemophilia if you have these symptoms.

Call your doctor or treatment center if:

  • You get hit in the hip, groin, stomach area, buttocks, or back.
  • You have pain in the hip, groin, stomach area, buttocks, or back.
  • You think you might be having a bleed in your pelvis muscles.