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8607 Roberts Drive, Suite 150 Sandy Springs, GA 30350-2237


Eye Bleeds


eye bleedsBleeding can happen inside the eye either due to an injury or, in the case of severe Hemophilia, without a known cause.

Signs that you may be having an eye bleed:

  • Injury to or near the eye
  • Pain around the eye
  • Swelling
  • Change in color in or around the eye
  • Double or blurred vision
  • Any other change in your vision

How to treat an eye bleed:

  • A person with Hemophilia should take factor concentrate right away to raise his level to 80% to 100% for Hemophilia A or 60% to 80% for Hemophilia B.
  • Call an eye doctor and your Hemophilia doctor right away.
  • Hold an ice pack on your eye to reduce the swelling and slow down the bleeding.

Remember these things, too:

  • Bleeding behind the eyeball that is not stopped can cause permanent loss of sight.
  • Heavy bleeding around the eye may push the eyeball forward. If the eyelid cannot close, the eye can become infected.
  • The tiny blood vessels in the white part of your eye can bleed and make your eye look very red.
  • Your eye doctor and Hemophilia doctor should work together to plan your treatment.
  • People with bleeding disorders can have the same eye problems as anyone else, such as near and far-sightedness, glaucoma, or cataracts.

How to prevent eye bleeds:

  • Wear protective goggles if playing ball or working near dangerous equipment.
  • Don't let children run or play with sharp objects. Do not allow them to play with BB guns or fireworks since these cause many eye accidents.

Call your doctor or treatment center if:

  • You have an injury to the eye.
  • You notice a change in your vision.